Minority Languages of China
阿依达尔·米尔卡马力 杨富学
阿依達爾·米爾卡馬力 楊富學
아의체이·미이잡마력 양부학
敦煌莫高窟 回鹘文 榜题 菩萨 对译 文字
敦煌莫高窟 迴鶻文 榜題 菩薩 對譯 文字
돈황막고굴 회골문 방제 보살 대역 문자
The Dunhuang Grotto 464 was set up in the 11-13^th Century. On each side of its paved passage leading to the main hall, viz. the northern and southern walls, there are two Bodhisattva frescoes with distinct Chinese style. Both on the right and left side of southern wall, there are four lines written in the ancient Uighur script, relating respectively the appearance of Sudurjay~aand Arcismati. On the left side of the northern wall, there are nine fines of writing relating the ornaments of Dharma-megha and the content on the right side can be inferred as related to Sadhumati. It is evident from transliteration that the three Uighur colophs are taken from the fourth volume of the Uighur version of Altun Yaruq translated by Singqu Sali Tutung. The fact demonstrates that Grotto 464 was built by the ancient Uighur people in the Yuan dynasty.