Legal Forum
过度医疗 过度医疗侵权行为 法律规制
過度醫療 過度醫療侵權行為 法律規製
과도의료 과도의료침권행위 법률규제
excessive medical treatment; excessive medical tort; legal regulations
Excessive medical treatment generally refers to a medical act or process in which the unnecessary diagnosis and treat- ment measures adopted by doctors on the disease of patients, which consequently causes medical expenses to obviously exceed its actual need. The key of certifying excessive medical treatment lies in a demarcation line between excessive medical treatment and appropriate medical treatment it should be strictly distinguished from protective and preventive medical treatment. Legally, exces- sive medical treatment is a special civil tort in the process of medical treatment. It is an act in the process of which medical insti- tutions and doctors illegally implement unnecessary diagnosis and treatment measures in order to gain some economic interests, thus causing the obvious damages of patients and their properties for which they are to take legal liabilities. Excessive medical tort is attributed in view of the presumption of fault. In legislation, Tort Liability Law limits excessive medical treatment to "the im- plementation of unnecessary examinations", which is not sufficient to protect the legal fights of patients. Accordingly, it deserves extended explanation in legislation.