Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice
杨城 罗旭斌 陈斌
楊城 囉旭斌 陳斌
양성 라욱빈 진빈
秘书问题 截止阀法则 三分决策法 动态标杆
祕書問題 截止閥法則 三分決策法 動態標桿
비서문제 절지벌법칙 삼분결책법 동태표간
secretary problem; cut-off rule; socrates' trichotomy; dynamic benchmark
Cut-off rule is the most common approach for solving the secretary problem (SP). Most previous work assumes fixed benchmark used in an application and does not give quantitative analysis of the relationship between the threshold and the benchmark. In this paper we show the impacts of the threshold and benchmark on the expected ranking of the obtained results, pointing out that the frame of reference in solving the SP is more important than the decision-making time. We propose a practical solution based on socrates' trichotomy for the SP with less than 100 candidates. This solution takes the first one-third of the candidates as the sample set and applies flexible benchmark -- from the first to the third one when examining the rest of the candidates. The method is simple and practical. And simulation shows that the average performance of our solution is very close (95%) to the best theoretical solution.