Humanities & Social Sciences Journal of Hainan University
诠释 本文 极端历史主义 心理主义 语义自律论
詮釋 本文 極耑歷史主義 心理主義 語義自律論
전석 본문 겁단역사주의 심리주의 어의자률론
interpretation; text; radical historicism ; psychologism; semantic autonomy
赫施在其作品《validity inInterpretation》中认为诠释要回到作者原意,这才是文本的含义①,并且这种含义是可以得到确定的。因而诠释就是要拯救作者,拯救作者原意的中心地位。于是赫施在文中表述了对三种意见的反对,由此可以理解赫施的基本意图、作者的真实意图,也为正确理解文本含义提供了有效的借鉴。
赫施在其作品《validity inInterpretation》中認為詮釋要迴到作者原意,這纔是文本的含義①,併且這種含義是可以得到確定的。因而詮釋就是要拯救作者,拯救作者原意的中心地位。于是赫施在文中錶述瞭對三種意見的反對,由此可以理解赫施的基本意圖、作者的真實意圖,也為正確理解文本含義提供瞭有效的藉鑒。
혁시재기작품《validity inInterpretation》중인위전석요회도작자원의,저재시문본적함의①,병차저충함의시가이득도학정적。인이전석취시요증구작자,증구작자원의적중심지위。우시혁시재문중표술료대삼충의견적반대,유차가이리해혁시적기본의도、작자적진실의도,야위정학리해문본함의제공료유효적차감。
In his work Validity in Interpretation, Hirsch presented that interpreting asks for tracking back to the author' s original intention, which is the real meaning of the text and can be ascertained. Thus to interpret a text is to retrieve the author and the essence of the author' s original meaning. Thereupon, he argued against three opinions in his work so as for his readers to get his basic intention as well as real intention, which provides an effective reference for readers to properly understand a text.