Studies of Zhouyi
周易 工艺设计 制器尚象 天人合一 阴阳和合 道器一体
週易 工藝設計 製器尚象 天人閤一 陰暘和閤 道器一體
주역 공예설계 제기상상 천인합일 음양화합 도기일체
Zhouyi, design of crafts; inventing utensils by images; unity of heaven and humanity; harmony between yin and yang;unity of Dao { Way} and utensi|s
Zhouyi enjoys the prestige as "the origin of Da dao { Way}. " Though it does not aim at unfolding but virtually comprises the way of how to invent utensils. The utensil erafts in State Chu are a concrete manifestation and utilization of the philosophy of Zhouyi, forming a component of the Dao-qi { Way-utensil } theory in Zhouyi. They gave birth to and specified basic categories and es- thetic thought of traditional utensil crafts eulture from both the theories and practiees. Exploring the internal connection between Zhouyi and utensil crafts of State Chu is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to inherit and improve the unique Dao-qi system in the lineage of Chinese culture.