Psychological Science
徐建平 张厚粲 杜艳婷 P.J.Tellegen
徐建平 張厚粲 杜豔婷 P.J.Tellegen
서건평 장후찬 두염정 P.J.Tellegen
非言语智力测验 智力测量 测验应用
非言語智力測驗 智力測量 測驗應用
비언어지력측험 지력측량 측험응용
nonverbal intelligence test; intelligence assessment; test application
斯-欧非言语智力测验1943年由荷兰女心理学家Snijders-Oomen编制,经多次修订后出现多个版本,目前应用最广、最新和最具代表性的是SON-R 5.5-17和SON-R6-40两个版本。前者包含归类、拼板、隐蔽图形、连线、情境、类比和故事七个分测验,考查5.5岁至17岁人群的抽象推理、具体推理、空间、知觉四种能力。后者选取了类比、拼板、归类和连线四个分测验组成,测查6岁至40岁人群的智力。研究表明,该测验内部一致性信度、概化系数和效度均达到了心理测量学质量要求。该测验有言语指导和非言语指导两套指导语,施测使用了适应性程序,并给被试提供反馈,具有认知诊断功能,适用于测量正常和特殊群体的智力,也可用于研究文化因素对智力的影响和智力测验的公平性等问题。
斯-歐非言語智力測驗1943年由荷蘭女心理學傢Snijders-Oomen編製,經多次脩訂後齣現多箇版本,目前應用最廣、最新和最具代錶性的是SON-R 5.5-17和SON-R6-40兩箇版本。前者包含歸類、拼闆、隱蔽圖形、連線、情境、類比和故事七箇分測驗,攷查5.5歲至17歲人群的抽象推理、具體推理、空間、知覺四種能力。後者選取瞭類比、拼闆、歸類和連線四箇分測驗組成,測查6歲至40歲人群的智力。研究錶明,該測驗內部一緻性信度、概化繫數和效度均達到瞭心理測量學質量要求。該測驗有言語指導和非言語指導兩套指導語,施測使用瞭適應性程序,併給被試提供反饋,具有認知診斷功能,適用于測量正常和特殊群體的智力,也可用于研究文化因素對智力的影響和智力測驗的公平性等問題。
사-구비언어지력측험1943년유하란녀심이학가Snijders-Oomen편제,경다차수정후출현다개판본,목전응용최엄、최신화최구대표성적시SON-R 5.5-17화SON-R6-40량개판본。전자포함귀류、병판、은폐도형、련선、정경、류비화고사칠개분측험,고사5.5세지17세인군적추상추리、구체추리、공간、지각사충능력。후자선취료류비、병판、귀류화련선사개분측험조성,측사6세지40세인군적지력。연구표명,해측험내부일치성신도、개화계수화효도균체도료심리측량학질량요구。해측험유언어지도화비언어지도량투지도어,시측사용료괄응성정서,병급피시제공반궤,구유인지진단공능,괄용우측량정상화특수군체적지력,야가용우연구문화인소대지력적영향화지력측험적공평성등문제。
The first Snijders - Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Test(SON Test) was published in 1943 by Mrs.Nan Snijders - Oomen as a result of her work with children at the Institute for the Deaf in Sint - Michielsgestel.SON Test is extremely popular in Europe and then spread to Latin America and Asia.Over a period of sixty years,a series of revised versions of SON test have been published—SON -58,SON 2.5-7,SSON,SON-R5.5-17,and SON-R 2.5-7.The latest version SON -R 6 -40 was published in 2011.In this paper the two latest revisions of the SON Test,the SON - R 5.5 - 17 and the SON - R 6 -40 were described.The SON - R 5.5 - 17,published in 1988,is a general intelligence test for people ranging from 5.5 to 17 years old.This test includes seven subtests Categories, Analogies,Situations,Stories,Mosaics,Patterns and Hidden Pictures,measuring four types of abilities—abstract reasoning ability, concrete reasoning ability,spatial ability and perceptual ability.Research results of SON - R 5.5 - 17 with various groups of children have been published,indicating acceptable internal consistency reliability,generalizability and validity.The SON - R 6 -40 selects four subtests from SON - R 5.5 - 17—Analogies,Mosaics,Categories,and Patterns,assessing a broad spectrum of cognitive abilities of people ranging from 6 to 40 years old without involving the use of language.Standardization of SON - R 6 - 40 was started from 2009 and finished in 2011.A number of features make the SON test particularly suitable for various groups,especially for children who are difficult to test.In the first place,the SON test has both verbal and non - verbal instructions,which makes it especially suitable for children who have problems or handicaps in language,speech or communication.Additionally,the adaptive procedure in presenting the items and the discontinuation rules restrict the administration of items that are too difficult for subjects.Simultaneously,the feedback is given as to whether the subjects answer is right or wrong.Last but not least,the cognitive diagnosis function of the SON test makes the assessments and interventions of mental retarded people possible.In view of the economic,social and educational development, and the growing number of migrants and bilingual children all around the world,there will be an increasing need for languagefree and culture - fair tests.A great advantage of the SON tests for this purpose and for cross - cultural and international research is that,within certain limits,the test materials can be used without modification.English,German and Dutch editions of the manuals,the scoring forms and the computer program are available.In China,researchers have been engaged in the study on SON - R 5.5 - 17 since 1995.The test is seen to possess a good construct and criterion validity.However,a few items in the test,which are not suitable for Chinese children due to different culture backgrounds,have been altered or adjusted.Nowadays,standardization of SON - R 6 -40 is taking place all around China,and will be finished in 2012.Because of all the advantages of SON test,it is critical to use it in China, both theoretically and practically.