Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
政府 管理服务 流动人口 评价 制度创新
政府 管理服務 流動人口 評價 製度創新
정부 관리복무 류동인구 평개 제도창신
government; management and services; migrants; assessment; institutional innovation
在全面剖析番禺区及大岗镇政府在出租屋流动人员服务管理方面成功实践的基础上,概括出"以屋管人"的管理服务模式,进一步构建了番禺区及大岗镇出租屋流动人口管理服务指标体系,并对政府管理服务能力进行了评价。研究发现,政府管理服务流动人口的机构逐步增强,人员逐步增加,公共服务支出逐年增加;2007-2009年,番禺区及大岗镇流动人口人均公共服务支出在1 000~2 000元左右,流动人口公共服务人均支出与人均GDP的比例在3%~5%左右,也就是说流动人口公共服务人均支出只相当于其创造财力的1/7~1/4;政府管理服务经费主要来源于"两费一税"的返还。提出实行制度创新,加强对农民工及其家庭的管理服务将是政府的一项长期任务,也是推动我国城镇化健康发展的重要动力。
在全麵剖析番禺區及大崗鎮政府在齣租屋流動人員服務管理方麵成功實踐的基礎上,概括齣"以屋管人"的管理服務模式,進一步構建瞭番禺區及大崗鎮齣租屋流動人口管理服務指標體繫,併對政府管理服務能力進行瞭評價。研究髮現,政府管理服務流動人口的機構逐步增彊,人員逐步增加,公共服務支齣逐年增加;2007-2009年,番禺區及大崗鎮流動人口人均公共服務支齣在1 000~2 000元左右,流動人口公共服務人均支齣與人均GDP的比例在3%~5%左右,也就是說流動人口公共服務人均支齣隻相噹于其創造財力的1/7~1/4;政府管理服務經費主要來源于"兩費一稅"的返還。提齣實行製度創新,加彊對農民工及其傢庭的管理服務將是政府的一項長期任務,也是推動我國城鎮化健康髮展的重要動力。
재전면부석번우구급대강진정부재출조옥류동인원복무관리방면성공실천적기출상,개괄출"이옥관인"적관리복무모식,진일보구건료번우구급대강진출조옥류동인구관리복무지표체계,병대정부관리복무능력진행료평개。연구발현,정부관리복무류동인구적궤구축보증강,인원축보증가,공공복무지출축년증가;2007-2009년,번우구급대강진류동인구인균공공복무지출재1 000~2 000원좌우,류동인구공공복무인균지출여인균GDP적비례재3%~5%좌우,야취시설류동인구공공복무인균지출지상당우기창조재력적1/7~1/4;정부관리복무경비주요래원우"량비일세"적반환。제출실행제도창신,가강대농민공급기가정적관리복무장시정부적일항장기임무,야시추동아국성진화건강발전적중요동력。
Based on comprehensive analysis on successful practice of government's managing and servicing migrant workers in Panyu District and Dagang Town,this paper summarizes the"Management by Housing"management and service model, then establishes the index system of government manage-ment and services for migrant workers in Dagang Town,Panyu District and evaluates the government's capability in management and services. The result shows that government-managed institutions and per-sonnel as well as public service expenditure for migrants have increased year by year. From 2007 to 2009,the per capita expenditure on public services for migrants was about 1 000 to 2 000 Yuan RMB. The ratio between per migrant expenditure of public services and per capita GDP is about 3% to 5%, which means that per capita expenditure of public services for migrants only occupies 1/7 to 1/4 of the wealth they created. Government management and services expenditure mainly comes from refunds of the two charges and one tax. This paper finally points out that implementing institutional innovation and strengthening management for rural migrant workers and their families is a long-term task for the gov-ernment, and also is an important driving force to promote the healthy development of China's urbaniza-tion.