Journal of Central South Huiversity: Social Science
吴云 刘善军 朱再良 杨国志 程相鹏 曹烨 程巧玲
吳雲 劉善軍 硃再良 楊國誌 程相鵬 曹燁 程巧玲
오운 류선군 주재량 양국지 정상붕 조엽 정교령
检察机关 法律监督 乡镇行政执法 监督机制 完善路径
檢察機關 法律鑑督 鄉鎮行政執法 鑑督機製 完善路徑
검찰궤관 법률감독 향진행정집법 감독궤제 완선로경
procuratorial organs; legal supervision; rural administrative law enforcement; supervision mechanism; improvement path
Nowadays,in the working mechanism for procuratorial organs to supervise the rural law enforcement,there are so many problems,such as undefined legal status,less regulations of authority,no coercive power in supervisor methods,no independence in legal supervision,which are based on the characters of the rural administrative law enforcement and no supervise right for the procuratorial organs to supervise the administrative law enforcement organs,including the rural law enforcement organs.It is necessary to construct the mechanism for procuratorial organs to supervise the rural law enforcement,according to the principle of judicial rules,the principle of the power structure integrity,the principle of the mutual coordination and restriction of power of decision-making,execution and supervision,and the principle of restraining,form making clear the supervision status and the supervision right,improving the supervision methods,strengthening team construction and funds safeguard,and establishing and perfecting supporting system.