Industrial Engineering Journal
供应链 不确定性 风险分担 期权价格
供應鏈 不確定性 風險分擔 期權價格
공응련 불학정성 풍험분담 기권개격
supply chain ; uncertainty ; risk allocation ; option price
Supply chain option contract is one of the important ways to respond to demand uncertainty. However, such a contract brings new risks into a supply chain. While dealing with the problem of risk sha- ring in supply chain option contract, decision makers are advised to determine option price and share risks by bargaining power. In this paper, the risk sharing by using option contract is studied for a supply chain composed of one manufacturer and one retailer. With the effect of bargaining power on order quantity, pro- duction scheduling, and profit being considered, a risk sharing model is proposed. Based on the model, a- nalysis shows that, by option contract, it can increase the expected profit for both the manufacturer and re- tailer. When the manufacturer's bargaining power is increased, the retailer's order quantity increases, but option quantity decreases. When the manufacturer's bargaining power is decreased, the total expected prof- it in supply chain is reduced. Simulation experiments verify the obtained results. Based on the results, suggestions are made for decision making of option price.