Nankai Business Review
性别角色 反性别刻板印象广告 产品性别
性彆角色 反性彆刻闆印象廣告 產品性彆
성별각색 반성별각판인상엄고 산품성별
Sex-role; Counter-Gender Stereotypical Advertising; Sex-typed Products
Even though the effectiveness of Counter-Gender Ste- reotypical Endorses Advertising is still in dispute, this new kind of advertisement has risen up wildly concern from both academics and practitioners. When talking about "counter", most prior researches refer to anti-traditional gender-related social role. However, a new type of Counter-Gender Stereotypical Endorsers are much popu- lar in nowadays, namely, Counter-Sex-Role (e.g. a girl looks like a boy while a boy looks like a girl), the purpose of the present study therefore is to examine the effectiveness of this new kind of Counter-Gender Stereotypical Advertising. From consumer's sex- role perspective, the authors divided consumers into four different sex roles (masculine, feminine, androgynous, undifferentiated), and combined these four kind of samples with three kind of products with different sex types (male, female and neutral product), by using 2×3 between subject experimental design, the results show that the effectiveness of Counter-Gender Stereotypical Endorses Advertis- ing depends on the extent of the sex-role similarity between the advertising endorser and consumers, the more similarity, the better advertising effectiveness. Specifically, the endorser with Counter- Male Sex-Role characteristics are favorite by consumers with strong female sex-role (feminine and androgynous), while endorses with Counter-Female Sex-Role characteristics are favorite by consum- ers with strong male sex-role (masculine and androgynous). On the other hand, the different effectiveness of Counter-Female-Gender Stereotypical Endorses Advertising on three different sex-typed products was found significantly, the effectiveness of Counter- Female-Gender Stereotypical Endorses Advertising in neutral prod- uct is better than the same endorses advertising in male and female products, while the effectiveness of Counter-Male-Gender Stereo- typical Endorses Advertising was not different between the differ- ent sex-typed products. Additionally, the authors also revealed that it's more suitable for a female-typed product to adopt a Counter- Male-Gender Stereotypical endorser than a Counter-Female-Gender Stereotypical endorser, but the advertising effectiveness of Counter- Male and Counter-Female Stereotypical endorser on the other two sex-typed products was not different.