Collected Papers of History Studies
智利 恩赐地 委托监护制 牧场 大庄园 劳役佃农
智利 恩賜地 委託鑑護製 牧場 大莊園 勞役佃農
지리 은사지 위탁감호제 목장 대장완 로역전농
Chile ; Mercede ; Encomienda; Estancia; Hacienda; Inquilino
The evolution of the land system of Chile, which located in the marginal region of the Spanish A- mericas during the colonial period, has both similarities and differences with respect to that of the central re- gion. Similar to that in the central Spanish Americas, Chilean Hacienda originated from the Mercedes assigned to the colonists by the king, and eventually became legitimate private real estate after various forms of the an- nexation of land, and then after the official surveys and recognition. On the other hand, Chilean land system is different from that of the central region in that the Encomienda is based on Indian chieftain, which is deter- mined by the characteristics of local Indian society. The Encomienda kept the characteristics of the labor sys- tem for a long time. The Chilean economy has experienced "the golden age", "the grease century" and "the wheat century"; the formation of Hacienda in the 18th century was driven by wheat exports, and is a century later than the central region. The Indian working in the hacienda experienced "mestizaje" process, which pro- duced relative homogeneity of Chile's ethnic structure. Hacienda system is one of Chile's most important herita- ges from the colonial system.