Forum on Science and Technology in China
科学家工作室 创新人才 资助机制 管理模式
科學傢工作室 創新人纔 資助機製 管理模式
과학가공작실 창신인재 자조궤제 관리모식
Scientists' labs; Talents program; Innovative talents; Funding meehanisms
According to the recently-issued "National Medium- and Long-term Development Plan for Innovative Talents", 100 scientists' labs will be set up in our country by the end of 2020. As a brand-new talents-oriented funding scheme, scientists' labs should be distinct from traditional competitive project programs in both funding mechanisms and management styles. In this paper, we exploit the disadvantages of traditional project funding allocations, and highlight the implications of scientists' labs featuring "funding talents not projects" for original innovation, and attraction and retention of excellent talents. On the basis of research into international advanced practices, we put forward to institutional arrangements for implementation of scientists labs program in processes of selection, funding, evaluation and internal organization and management, which are expected to be instrumental in the development of scientists' labs.