Educational Research
邢淑芬 孙琳 王媛 王争艳
邢淑芬 孫琳 王媛 王爭豔
형숙분 손림 왕원 왕쟁염
儿童养育行为 养育目标 养育策略 社会变迁
兒童養育行為 養育目標 養育策略 社會變遷
인동양육행위 양육목표 양육책략 사회변천
parenting behavior, parenting goal, parenting strategy, social lransfonuation
The parenting behavior is an important transition process of social cuhure. By applying the method of household survey, the study has explored the intergenerational differences of ehihlren's parenting behaviurs between mothers and grandmothers in free-play situation. The results have shown that the parenting goal of mothers and grandmothers are the autonomy-eonneetedness patterns, while mothers have displayed more eneouragenlent of autonomy than grandmothers; mothers and grandmothers are inclined to use more medium pressure strategies, whereas mothers adopt more lower pressure than grandmothers and grandmothers adopt much more high pressure strategies than mothers; parenting goal and parenting strategies are correlated, mothers" parenting goals of encouragement autonomy and eonneetedness correlated with medium and low pressure strategies, while grandmothers" parenting goals correlated with medium and high pressure strategies; the parenting goal and strategy are different with boys and girls, mothers and grandmothers displayed more encouragement of autonomy for girls, while adopted more high pressure strategies for boys.