Industrial Technology & Economy
国外技术引进 国内技术购买 FDI技术溢出 技术创新投入产出
國外技術引進 國內技術購買 FDI技術溢齣 技術創新投入產齣
국외기술인진 국내기술구매 FDI기술일출 기술창신투입산출
teelmology imports; technological purchase; FDI technology spiUovers; technology innovation; input-output
External technology acquisition is one of the impeaums for technology progress, and it has great impact on the technologl- cal innovation d manufacturing enterprises in China. The external technology accluisition in this research is divided into technology import and technology splllover. Based on the pane] data of the 29 manufacturing industries in China from 2005 ~ 2010, the impact of external techn01ogy acquisition on the technological innovation was studied from the view of innovation input and output, and the intermediation ef- fect of technological innovation input was also put into consideration. The empirical results show that the domestic technology purchase has positive effect on the technological input of manufacturing industries in China, while the foreign t~hnology import and the technology spillover of FDI has negative effect. The foreign technology import and domestic technology purchase has positive effect on the technological output of Chinese manufactm'~ industries, while the technology spillover of FI)I has negative effect; the technological innovation input plays a complete mediating role in the process that the domestic technology purchase influence the technological innovation output. Howev- er, it has partial mediation impact in the process that the FDI teclmological spillover influences the patent applications of Chinese manufac- indusaies.