Teacher Education Research
廖明 姜峰 朱蕾 郭燕锋
廖明 薑峰 硃蕾 郭燕鋒
료명 강봉 주뢰 곽연봉
大学课堂 教学效果 影响因素 策略
大學課堂 教學效果 影響因素 策略
대학과당 교학효과 영향인소 책략
university classroom teaching; teaching efficiency; influencing factors; strategies
The purpose of this paper is to find the main factors that influence university teachers' classroom teaching results, and sum up the effective measures to improve teachers' teaching resuhs. From the point of students' teaching quality values, the study took 1113 undergraduates who were selected from a college in Guangdong province as a sample, and the multiple linear regression analysis was used to filter out mainly factors from the 25 factors that affected classroom teaching efficiency. The results found that whether the courses could provide valuable knowledge or skills, whether the teachers taught with more passion, interacted with students, taught with clear ideas for students taking notes, whether the textbook is of high quality, affected teachers' classroom teaching efficiency significantly. Therefore, the usefulness of lectures, teaching with more passion, interaction with students and teaching with clear ideas are the main measures to improve classroom teaching efficiency.