Psychological Science
关键词 具身认知 知觉符号理论 职业特征 动作
關鍵詞 具身認知 知覺符號理論 職業特徵 動作
관건사 구신인지 지각부호이론 직업특정 동작
embodied cognition, perceptual symbol theory, profession featuer, action
Three experiments were designed to explore the activation of the representation of subject's profession feature and action during language comprehension. Experiment 1 explored the activation of the subjects' profession feature during the comprehension of the sentences which are in the pattern of "the person who does something is ", and Experiment 2 further explored the problem in "' somebody does something ". In Experiment 3, participants were asked to recognize the pictures through mouth instead of hands. To integrate the results of Experiment 1, Experiment 3a explored the activation of the representation of the action performer during the comprehension of the sentences "the person who does something is "and whether the representation of profession feature can be activated at the same time. Experiment 3b explored the activation of the representation of the action performer during the comprehension of the sentences "somebody does something "and whether the representation of profession feature will be activated at the same time.
The conclusions can be summarized as follows. The representation of subjects' profession feature is activated during the comprehen- sion of the sentences which are in the pattern of "the person who does something is " ; while with sentences such as "somebody does something", the representation of subjects' profession feature is activated only when the participants' performer is in accordance with the action performer in the sentence. The representation of the action performer is activated during processing sentences like "the person who does something is " ; while with sentences like "somebody does something", the representation of the action performer is obviously activated only when the profession described in the sentence is in accordance with that in the picture. Both the representation of subjects' profession feature and action performer are activated during comprehending sentences like "the person who does something is " ;while during comprehending sentences like "who does something" , the occurrence of this phenomenon is affected by the matching of the other representations. While the other representations are in the matching condition, one representation can be activated at the same time, otherwise, there is no obvious activation.