Journal of Tibet University
杰克逊霍尔共识 双支柱战略 宏观审慎政策
傑剋遜霍爾共識 雙支柱戰略 宏觀審慎政策
걸극손곽이공식 쌍지주전략 굉관심신정책
Jackson-Hall Consensus; two-pillar strategy; macro-prudential policies
Based on the consistency of price stability and financial stability,"Jackson Hall Consensus" emphasizes the importance of price stability in inflation target formulating monetary policy framework.However,co-existing of low inflation and asset price volatility makes people continue to reflect on the trade-off between price stability and financial stability,so the European Central Bank was established later,it attempts to focus on financial stability with "two-pillar strategy"of monetary policy framework.However,the lessons of the recent financial crisis showed that the central bank should pay more proactively attention to the goal of financial stability,in order to achieve price stability and financial stability.Thus,building the monetary policy framework based on macro-prudential is its future evolution direction.