Guihai Tribune
碳排放 经济增长 空间效应 空间滞后模型 空间误差模型
碳排放 經濟增長 空間效應 空間滯後模型 空間誤差模型
탄배방 경제증장 공간효응 공간체후모형 공간오차모형
carbon emissions; economic growth ;spatial effects ;spatial lag model; spatial error mode
This paper analyses the spatial effects and driving factors of Chinese provincial carbon emissions by using spatial economic models. The results show that there is significant spatial correlation and obvious cluster trend in China's provincial carbon emissions and mainly concentrating on the areas with developed economy, intensive population and high energy consumption intensity. The consumption of energy intensity, population scales and per capita GDP influence the carbon emissions significantly, and the influence of energy consumption intensity is the biggest factor. While, urbanization, industrial structure and technology innovation do not have notable effect on carbon emissions. Such conclusions have relevant decision-making reference significance for controlling carbon emissions increment in the process of urbanization and for upgrading of the industrial structure, as well as for the state and the local governments setting up corresponding encouraging policies and technology research and development support mechanism, and for provinces to construct low carbon economy development models with the regional characteristics.