International Business Research
世界贸易组织 贸易争端 对等 非歧视性原则
世界貿易組織 貿易爭耑 對等 非歧視性原則
세계무역조직 무역쟁단 대등 비기시성원칙
World Trade Organization; trading dispute; equivalence; principle of non-discrimination
"The United States-Some Measures Affecting Imports of Chinese Poultry Products" (DS392) is the first WTO dispute arising between China and the United States, which directly deals with the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the SPS Agreement). This dispute stems from Setion 727 of the 2009 Consolidated Appropriations Act. The dispute involves three core issues: first, the identification of SPS measures; second, the issue of the Panel's jurisdiction (Terms of reference) and third, the issue of the equivalence of SPS measures. But in the end Sec. 727 is in violation of WTO principles of non-discrimination. The dispute demonstrates that, between China and other countries (including the United States), mutual recognition of individual inspection and quarantine mechanism is of importance in stabilizing and expanding exportation in China foreign trade.