Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University
司马迁 《史记》 战争场面 描写
司馬遷 《史記》 戰爭場麵 描寫
사마천 《사기》 전쟁장면 묘사
Sima Qian; Historical Records ; battle scenes; description
The battle scene description in Historical Records was colorful and forceful . Taking history biography and war novels as a reference, the battle scene description in Historical Records showed the following characteristics: Simple and refined; To describe battlefield fight was to express anger;Description of nature went beyond that; Novel tendency:there was virtual in reality. Sima Qian was brave to break the historian's "hidden roles" and widely learned from previous artistic ex- perience, so the battle scene in Historical Records had a strong appeal to the audiences. In addition, to learning from histo- ry, Sima Qian had a vivid self- consciousness that the war should have occurred to reproduce in his writings. To describe he- arty heroes fighting in battlefield was also a way to vent his despondent feelings.