Psychological Science
副中央窝-中央窝效应 语义相关 眼动 序列加工 平行加工 E—Z阅读者模型 SWIFT模型
副中央窩-中央窩效應 語義相關 眼動 序列加工 平行加工 E—Z閱讀者模型 SWIFT模型
부중앙와-중앙와효응 어의상관 안동 서렬가공 평행가공 E—Z열독자모형 SWIFT모형
parafoveal-on-foveal effects, semantic connection, eye movements, serial processing, parallel processing, E-Z reader model, SWIFI" model
One of the main controversies in the field of eye movements in reading concerns the question of whether the processing of two adjacent words in reading occurs in sequence, or in parallel. This research tries to distinguish between these views by analyzing parafoveal-on-foveal effects in the course of lexical processing. Parafoveal-on-foveal (POF) effects occur when lexical properties of word n influence processing on word n - 1 during reading. Different eye movement models of reading hold diverse assumption on POF effects. The E-Z Reader model, one of the best known serial attention allocation models, assumed that the POF effect are null because the atten- tion on adjacent words is serial and the processing of word n - 1 should not be influenced by the lexical processing of word n. But the parallel model SWIFT believed that the word within a perceptual span could be processed in parallel. The parafoveal processing difficul- ty would slow down foveal processing and the positive POF effects should be found. On the other hand, Kennedy reported an inverted parafoveal-on-foveal effect. Parafoveal processing difficulty decreases processing time on the foveal word reading. He referred to this process as magnetic attraction. Normally, the argument for the results of POF effects focused on whether the effects were caused by sac- cade error. And the boundary paradigm, the most commonly used paradigm in the POF effects study, could cause saccade error and lack in balancing saccade error between experimental conditions. A new paradigm called distraction paradigm was adopted in this study to control the saccade error. The present study examined whether semantic POF effects could occur in Chinese sentence reading. 26 college students participa- ted in this research, average age 20.8 ( SD = 1.6). All participants were university students and spoke Chinese as their native lan- guage. 92 pairs of semantic related and unrelated words with word n - 1 were selected. The semantic related and unrelated word n were inserted behind word n - 1 directly in italic style and all participants were told to ignore them. The first pass fixation data of word n - 1 were analyzed. The size of each character was 1.30cm × 1.30cm (33 pixel × 33 pixel). With a viewing distance of 75cm, one charac- ter space subtended approximately 0.9°of visual angle. The results showed that, compared to the related word n condition, the gaze duration of word n - 1 was longer in unrelated word n condition, the refixation rate of word n - 1 was also higher in unrelated condition. The semantic relationship between two adjacent words would affect the processing of word n - 1 and the positive POF effects in Chinese reading were found in this study. The results supported the view that the semantic information from the parafoveal word could be processed with foveal word in parallel. And the results sus- tained the assumption of the typical parallel model, SWIFT model.