Psychological Science
王冬燕 钱锦昕 徐海宁 余嘉元
王鼕燕 錢錦昕 徐海寧 餘嘉元
왕동연 전금흔 서해저 여가원
关联规则 相关系数 留学生 适应性
關聯規則 相關繫數 留學生 適應性
관련규칙 상관계수 류학생 괄응성
association rules, correlation coefficient, foreign students, adaptation
When the correlation between variables is difficult to measure by correlation coefficient, the association rules can be used to examine the relationship between the two variables. The possibility of applying the association rules in psychological measurement was analyzed in theories, then the a priori algorithm for mining frequent item sets was used to analyze cross - cultural adaptation data of foreign students. The formal questionnaire was trans- lated into English, Japanese and Korean, then distributed to 11 provinces including 16 universities. Eventually, we obtained 651 valid questionnaires. The formal questionnaire was divided into two parts: adaptation influencing factors and adaptation level, in which adap- tation influencing factors included demographic factors, social and cultural influencing factors, the school environment influencing fac- tors and personality psychological characteristics. The Cronbaeh's consistency coefficients of each part of the formal questionnaire was larger than . 7. We used the data mining software Weka to implement the a priori algorithm, and set the minimum support "minsup" to ~ 2, with the lowest confidence level being not less than. 6. We then extracted information, and used the lift rate to evaluate the rules. Comparing the results between association rules, Pearson correlation and Spearman correlation, we find that using the association rules can be effective to get the rules between variables. The results show that association rules can gain the support and confidence of each level of the variables; it can deduce the rules between the multi - variables ; it is very effective for dealing with the correlation in non - linear multi - variables and multi - categorical variables. This is the first time to introduce the association rules method to psycho- logical measurement; it is a very useful method for analyzing relationship between data.