Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice
曹柬 胡强 吴晓波 周根贵
曹柬 鬍彊 吳曉波 週根貴
조간 호강 오효파 주근귀
生产者延伸责任 激励机制 回收再制造 政府环境规制
生產者延伸責任 激勵機製 迴收再製造 政府環境規製
생산자연신책임 격려궤제 회수재제조 정부배경규제
extended producer responsibility; incentive mechanism; remanufacturing; govermnent's envi-ronmental regulation
Implementation of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a key way to promote manufac turers to participate actively in collection and remanufactnring activities, Under the conditions of adverse selection as well as moral hazard, taking the remanufacturing rate and the effort extent of manufacturer as the asymmetric information, the incentive contract between the government and the manufacturer was designed. Based on the proposed incentive contract, the realistic conditions for monotone hazard rate of manufacturer's profit and implementation of government's positive incentive were provided. The relation- ships between parameters and government's subsidy-tax contract were analyzed. The influences of various factors at different stages of EPR implementation to the government's expected revenue were discussed. The results indicate that, the proposed contract is effective to achieve the manufacturers' high-validity motivation and effort-extent excitation, as well as to improve government's revenue. The conclusions are helpful to the design of government's environmental regulation and the operation of manufacturers under the EPR system.