Journal of Shanghai Physical Education Institute
刘微娜 季浏 Watson II Jack C
劉微娜 季瀏 Watson II Jack C
류미나 계류 Watson II Jack C
目标定向 目标难度 特质流畅 状态流畅 篮球
目標定嚮 目標難度 特質流暢 狀態流暢 籃毬
목표정향 목표난도 특질류창 상태류창 람구
goad orientation; goal difficulty; trait flow; stateflow ; basketball
There exists a moderately strong relationship between goal setting and flow state, which may come from the cognitive function of the goal setting. This paper, based on a series of set shots taken from 5 different locations within 2 minutes, uses the Chinese version of the Trait Flow Scale-2 and the State Flow Scale-2 as measurement tools to determine the effect of goal orientation and goal difficulty on flow state in basketball. The study is designed as a 2 (goal orientation: ego and task orientation) x 3 (goal difficulty: easy, moderate, and hard) model. The experiment shows that scores for trait flow and state flow are significantly higher for the experimental groups than for the control group; goal orientation has a main effect on both trait flow and state flow with task-oriented goals better than ego- oriented goals. Goal difficulty has also a main effect on both trait flow and state flow, with moderately difficult goals better than easy or hard goals.