何海丰 杨世伦 张朝阳 张文祥
何海豐 楊世倫 張朝暘 張文祥
하해봉 양세륜 장조양 장문상
朱家尖岛 潮流 余流 盛行风向 海岸工程
硃傢尖島 潮流 餘流 盛行風嚮 海岸工程
주가첨도 조류 여류 성행풍향 해안공정
Zhujiajian island; tidal currents; residual currents; wind direction; coastal engineering
Tidal currents operating off the east coast of Zhujianhian Island were measured during spring and neap tides from October 20 to October 28, 2011. These data were analyzed to identify spatial and temporal variations in flow velocity. The results showed that the area is subject to irregular semidiurnal tides. The tidal range varied from 0.75 to 4.32 m, with an average range of 2.64 m. The average duration of the rising tide phase was 5 hours and 54 minutes, compared with 6 hours and 37 minutes for the falling tide phase. As expected, the ebb current was directed SSE and was stronger than the NNW- directed flood current. Current velocity varied significantly in the vertical profile at a single location, within a single tidal cycle, and between neap and spring tides. The minimum velocity recorded was 0.01 m/s, and the maximum velocity was 2.32 m/ s, measured at the surface during a spring tide. The mean residual current at the surface was 0.65 m/s with a direction of 196°. In contrast, the mean residual current at the seabed was 0.07 m/s in the direction of 328°. Over the full vertical profile, the residual current had a velocity of 0.22 m/s and a direction of 202°, reflecting the impact of northerly winds during the observation period.