Linguistic Sciences
树库 谓词-论元结构 补足语 标句词 词性标注
樹庫 謂詞-論元結構 補足語 標句詞 詞性標註
수고 위사-론원결구 보족어 표구사 사성표주
Treebank predicate argument structures complement complementizer POS tagging
sentence In It. Treebank is a kind of bracketed corpus which records the synta We will introduce the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB) built by ctic parsing tree of each the University of Penn sylvania, USA. One of the important goals of the CTB annotation is to describe the predicate argu ment structures in sentences. During syntactic annotation, CTB intently focuses on the following three abstract grammatical relations: complementation, adjunction and coordination. Each of the a- bove grammatical relations is assigned a unique hierarchical structure. Although there are a number of characteristics in the grammar formalism of CTB, we only discuss the following three issues in this article: 1) Complement(补足语), 2) The Chinese complementizer "的 (DEC)", and 3) The criteria of part-of-speech (POS) tagging based on X-Bar Theory. If we also agree to the fact that the predicate argument description is one of the important goals of treebank construction, then the three issues above are closely related to the goal because they affect not only the performance of automatic POS tagging and par- sing systems trained on the treebank but also the results of those subsequent applications.