Modern Law Science
国家科技计划项目合同 私法契约 行政合同
國傢科技計劃項目閤同 私法契約 行政閤同
국가과기계화항목합동 사법계약 행정합동
national science and technology plan project contract; contract subject to private law; administrative contract
A Contract of national project means one entered into by and between a state science and technology administration and a science research academy or one or more scientists for the purpose of carrying out a state scientific and technological plan or implementing a specific scientific project,in which the rights and obligations of both the parties are specified.It is a special science research contract falling within the scope of private law.Unfortunately in China there are lots of problems and defects concerning the contract of national project,such as confusion of the project plan with the contract,ambiguity of the nature of the contract,vagueness of the contract parties,imbalance of contractual rights and obligations,unscientific arrangement of contractual terms and contents,uncertainty of the nature of task,unclearness of dispute remedies and ways to settle controversies.Where it is proved that this sort of contracts is subject to civil law,it is necessary for us to reconstruct corresponding framework to regulate the relationship of the contracts.