The Northern Forum
《文心雕龙》 《史记》 刘勰 司马迁 史学思想
《文心彫龍》 《史記》 劉勰 司馬遷 史學思想
《문심조룡》 《사기》 류협 사마천 사학사상
Wen Xin Diao Long; Shiji; Liu Xie; Sima Qian; historical thought
The chapters about Stylistic Theory in Wenxindiaolong discusses the writing of various genres, in which Historical Bi- ography comments on advantages and defects of biographic writing including Shiji. Liu Xie agrees with the creative purpose of Shiji to set the Confucius Spring and Autumn as a model paradigm, affirms the view of history of Sima Qian that abound with dialectics and in- tegrity, blames the anti -classics and odd ideological tendency of Sima Qian by the the Confucius stance. Interpretation ofLiu Xieg Shiji evaluation, we can have in - depth understanding of the similarities and differences of Liu Xie and Sima Qian in the history ide- as, historical thought , as well as the internal causes of their differences.