Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Social Sciences
《东方杂志》 《教育杂志》 商务印书馆 专栏建设
《東方雜誌》 《教育雜誌》 商務印書館 專欄建設
《동방잡지》 《교육잡지》 상무인서관 전란건설
Eastern Miscellany; Education Magazine ; The Commercial Press ; construction of the column
From the late Qing dynasty to the early 1930s of the 20th century, The Commercial Press had been the most important publishing house in China. Its Eastern Miscellany, Education Magazine, Women's Magazine, The Short Story Magazine and other periodicals at the time had made a significant impact on the society. However, in the January 28 Ineident( a short war between the armies of the Republie of China and the Empire of Japan before official hostilities of the Second Sino-Japanese War commenced in 1937 ) , The Com- mercial Press was bombed by the Japanese invaders and suffered heavy losses. In August 1932, The Commer- cial Press managed to resume limited operations but didn' t get the business back on track with only Eastern Miscellany resuming publication. In the resumed edition of Eastern Miscellany, it specially designed "Educa- tion Column" to carry on the tasks of Education Magazine. Through this important platform, "Education Column" not only took an aetive interest in the educational reality of China, but also made significant contributions to introducing the situation of overseas' education and advanced educational theories.