Forum on Science and Technology in China
基础研究 科研院所 改革 政策 生命科学
基礎研究 科研院所 改革 政策 生命科學
기출연구 과연원소 개혁 정책 생명과학
Basic research ; Research institutes ; Reform ; Policy ; NIBS
This paper reviews the evolution of the National Institute of Biological Science, Beijing (NIBS) for the past seven years, summarizes the major practices to innovate institutions, and proposes enlightenments and policy suggestions on developing China's basic research. The paper believes that the success of NIBS largely attributes to its pursuit of "a world-class institute without repeat" . Its management system is in line with international standards. The government provides more support instead of intervention. As a basic re- search institution, it should identify a "world-class" development goal, boldly take reform of the management system, and recruit worldwide. It attracts first-class talents, equips with first-class facilities and its management methods are brought in line with internation- al practice, so that the excellent professionals can be easily-imported, well-recruited and long-term-stayed. It should seize the opportu- nities in the context of international financial crisis and accelerate the introduction of foreign high-end professionals.