Research on Education Tsinghua University
曼努埃尔·赫克托 马莹 叶赋桂
曼努埃爾·赫剋託 馬瑩 葉賦桂
만노애이·혁극탁 마형 협부계
国际化;国际大学关系;国际学术和科研网络 ;创新;能力建设
國際化;國際大學關繫;國際學術和科研網絡 ;創新;能力建設
국제화;국제대학관계;국제학술화과연망락 ;창신;능력건설
Internationalization; International university relationships; Research and knowledgenetworks ; Innovation; capacity building
A new paradigm of structured international university relationships is emerging as shaped by a new era of international affairs. It is driven by political and economic interests, but also by an in creased perception of the growing perceived evidence of the potential benefits resulting from the eco nomic appropriation of the results and methods of science by society. This paper argues that those Rela tionships act as agents of change and a new narrative in university - government - industry relationships. They consider activities that are fundamentally different from the traditional role of universities, invol ving, most of the times, capacity building. They also require understanding the nature of international cooperation beyond the exporting/importing of "academic services" In all the institutions involved. In ad dition, they clearly break traditional boundaries of "national systems" and bring new challenges in terms of the necessary institutional integrity the partnering universities need to preserve and foster.