The Study of Finance and Economics
基金 明星基金 基金经理 溢出效应 基金业绩 赎回
基金 明星基金 基金經理 溢齣效應 基金業績 贖迴
기금 명성기금 기금경리 일출효응 기금업적 속회
fund; star fund;fund manager;spillover effect; fund performance; fund redemption
Through an empirical study, this paper concludes that China's star funds don't have much more star effects, firstly, the star funds can at- tract new capital inflow but this function is just limited in the current year and the purchase is not significantly higher than the redemption, showing that star funds are not significantly positively correlated with net capital in- flow; secondly, star funds don't have spillover effects;thirdly, star funds don't have persistent performance, namely investors don~t necessarily gain abnormal returns in future two years if they purchase the star funds; lastly, investors pay attention to the long-term performance for fear that the star funds are short-lived and the long-term performance is significantly positive- ly correlated with purchase rates and net capital inflow both in the current year and the next year, showing that only the funds with better long-term performance can form reputation and the purchase and redemption of inves- tors still are in accordance with foreign PFR theory which provides an expla- nation for the debate of redemption heteromorphism in current China.