Journal of The Second Northwest Institute For Ethnic Minorities(Philosophy and Social Science)
“五畜”游牧 土地沙化 生态恢复
“五畜”遊牧 土地沙化 生態恢複
“오축”유목 토지사화 생태회복
"Five Domestic Animals" Nomad ; Land Desertification ; Recovering of the Ecological System; Desert land in Maowusu Wushengzhao Town
Grassland Desertification in Inner Mongolia is the result of the change of the ecological system. Recovering from desertifieation of the eco-system on the grassland needs to take it as a whole system to deal with, which means the co- existence with harmony of various biological species. Mongolians in the long run, take the "five animals" Nomad with rate and routes as the basic approach for the protection of the grassland, which guarantee the harmonious circulation of the par- ticipants in the whole system, such as the grassland, the water and earth, animals and human. The approach could both ef- fectively control the extension of the desertification, and help recover the land from desertification. In accordance with this, in this article, the author suggested that the local ecological knowledge and techniques be implemented help the construction of the ecological system as expected.