Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University Social Science Edition
帮助犯罪分子逃避处罚 过程犯 既遂 犯罪形态
幫助犯罪分子逃避處罰 過程犯 既遂 犯罪形態
방조범죄분자도피처벌 과정범 기수 범죄형태
helping criminals to escape punishment; process crime; accomplished crime; crime pattern
"Helping criminals to escape punishment" is not the purpose or result of the composing elements of this crime but is the behavior pattern of this crime. The behavior process of this crime is divided into helper seeking information or both parties seeking conspiring altogether, sending the information ! presenting convenience), "criminals" actively cooperate with helper, and then the criminals take action. In this process, this crime is possible to be unfinished or discontinued, the natural attribute of the behaviors has the process and time duration. The social attribute of this crime is to violate specific criminal activities, its so- cial harmfulness is different from the behavior crime and dangerous crime. Thus, this crime is a kind of process crime in behavior crime, its accomplished crime is to help and actively cooperate with criminals to violate penal proceedings activities of Justice De- partment.