Open Education Research
学习科学 教授 美国国家科学基金会 国际 基于案例的推理 创造性问题解决 教育研究 学者
學習科學 教授 美國國傢科學基金會 國際 基于案例的推理 創造性問題解決 教育研究 學者
학습과학 교수 미국국가과학기금회 국제 기우안례적추리 창조성문제해결 교육연구 학자
interview ; learning sciences ; NSF funding programs
詹妮特·科洛德纳(Janet Kolodner)教授是美国乔治亚理S-学院交互计算糸的董事教授,同时也是《学习科学杂志》(Journal of the Learning Sciences)的创刊主编,国际学习科学学会(International Society for the Learning Sciences,简称ISLS)的创始人、首任首席执行官。她的研究领域集中于学习、记忆、计算机中的问题解决。科洛德纳教授率先提出了基于案例的推理(Case-based Reasoning,简称CBR),是应用基于案例的推理来促进教育和创造性问题解决方面的领军人物。科洛德纳教授目前在美国国家科学基金会中任“赛博学习:变革教育”(Cyber leaming:’transforming Education)的教育研究项目官员。借助于本次访谈,我们希望能够了解到科洛德纳教授对学习科学现今发展与未来趋势的看法,以及从她现在所负责的国家科学基金会如何扶持教育研究的。
詹妮特·科洛德納(Janet Kolodner)教授是美國喬治亞理S-學院交互計算糸的董事教授,同時也是《學習科學雜誌》(Journal of the Learning Sciences)的創刊主編,國際學習科學學會(International Society for the Learning Sciences,簡稱ISLS)的創始人、首任首席執行官。她的研究領域集中于學習、記憶、計算機中的問題解決。科洛德納教授率先提齣瞭基于案例的推理(Case-based Reasoning,簡稱CBR),是應用基于案例的推理來促進教育和創造性問題解決方麵的領軍人物。科洛德納教授目前在美國國傢科學基金會中任“賽博學習:變革教育”(Cyber leaming:’transforming Education)的教育研究項目官員。藉助于本次訪談,我們希望能夠瞭解到科洛德納教授對學習科學現今髮展與未來趨勢的看法,以及從她現在所負責的國傢科學基金會如何扶持教育研究的。
첨니특·과락덕납(Janet Kolodner)교수시미국교치아리S-학원교호계산사적동사교수,동시야시《학습과학잡지》(Journal of the Learning Sciences)적창간주편,국제학습과학학회(International Society for the Learning Sciences,간칭ISLS)적창시인、수임수석집행관。저적연구영역집중우학습、기억、계산궤중적문제해결。과락덕납교수솔선제출료기우안례적추리(Case-based Reasoning,간칭CBR),시응용기우안례적추리래촉진교육화창조성문제해결방면적령군인물。과락덕납교수목전재미국국가과학기금회중임“새박학습:변혁교육”(Cyber leaming:’transforming Education)적교육연구항목관원。차조우본차방담,아문희망능구료해도과락덕납교수대학습과학현금발전여미래추세적간법,이급종저현재소부책적국가과학기금회여하부지교육연구적。
Professor Janet Kolodner is Regents' Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She was Founding Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Learning Sciences, founder and former Executive Officer of The International Society for the Learning Sciences. Her research has addressed issues in learning, memory, computer and human problem solving. She pioneered Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ) , and her lab originated the notion of a Case-based Design Aid ( CBDA ). She has been a leader in applying CBR in classroom instruction and creative problem solving. Since 1994, Kolodner has focused on using this model to design middle school science curriculum, which is known as Learning by Design ( LBD ). It is a key component of the 9th graders ' science curriculum called Project-Based Inquiry Science ( PBIS ). With her students, she has also applied this approach to informal education. The most notable case was design of Kitchen Science Investigation, an after-school program focusing on learning science from cooking experiences. At present , she is on loan to the U. S. National Science Foundation, serving as Program Officer for a new program called Cyberlearning : Transforming Education. Through this interview, we attempt to know how Prof. Kolodner ' s views on current status and trends of the learning sciences research. We would also like to understand how NSF sets up education research programs and supports education research, starting from the grant programs that she is managing.