Economic Management Journal(EMJ)
权利意识 雇佣关系 工资溢价 劳动力市场分割
權利意識 僱傭關繫 工資溢價 勞動力市場分割
권리의식 고용관계 공자일개 노동력시장분할
right consciousness ; employment relationship ; wage premium; labor market segmentation
With the deepening of industrialization and urbanization tant part of the urban labor market, which makes the rights and interests speaking, the rights and interests of rural migrants are closely related to , the rural migrants have become an impor- of them an important social issue. Generally their employment relationship, especially the labor contract. Since the labor contract legally stipulates the rights and obligations of both the employers and the em- ployees, it serves as an essential guarantee for the rural migrants to protect their legitimate rights and interests. However, with relatively low labor contracting rate in recent years, the rights and interests of the rural migrants are frequently infringed, evoking sharp conflicts between employers and workers. Although since the enactment of the new Labor Contract Law in 2008, the contracting rate has risen drastically, it is still too low and more than 50% rural migrants have not signed the labor contract. According to the statistics in this paper, the average wage of the rural migrants who have signed the labor contract is much higher than those who have not, and the wage gap is more significant after taking the fringe benefits into consideration. Is the wage gap between the two groups of rural mi- grants just a reasonable compensate for human capital difference? Or is it the wage premium induced by labor mar- ket segmentation? In this paper, we aim to analyze the determinants of the rural migrants' employment relationship and test whether there exists labor market segmentation between the rural migrants who have signed the labor con- tract and those who have not. Based on survey data of rural migrants, we first use the probit model to examine the factors influencing the rural migrants' employment relationship. In this section, we place great emphasis on the effects of enterprise characteristics and rural migrants' right consciousness. It is found that state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises and foreign en- terprises tend to offer labor contract to the rural migrant workers because of their social responsibility and legal pres- sure; the larger the scale of enterprise, the more likely it will sign labor contract with the rural migrant workers. However,in order to cut the production costs and increase the flexibility in adjusting labor, these enterpri- ses are more willing ral migrants, higher those who are more and interests have a to sign short-term labor contract with the rural migrant workers. From the perspective of the ru- right consciousness is significantly correlated with better employment relationship. Specifically, familiar with the Labor Law and more eager searching the relative information about their rights higher probability of signing the labor contract; the knowledge of the Labor Law will also con- tribute to rural migrants' participation into the labor contract negotiation. Then, we use the endogenous switching model to test whether there exists labor market segmentation. After con- trolling the human capital factors, the rural migrants who have signed the labor contract still have higher wage level than those who have not, which proves that there indeed exists labor market segmentation. Furthermore, the wage premium induced by the labor market segmentation is increasing year by year, and is more noticeable after the en- actment of the new Labor Contract Law. These results imply that since the new Labor Contract Law pays more atten- tion to the labor rights and interests, it widens the wage gap between the two groups of rural migrants. For the government's part, it should spare no efforts to popularize the knowledge of Labor Contract Law among the rural mi- grants, which will help promote their right consciousness and obtain better employment relationship.