Studies of International Finance
违约距离 政府隐性担保 未定权益分析法 系统性风险
違約距離 政府隱性擔保 未定權益分析法 繫統性風險
위약거리 정부은성담보 미정권익분석법 계통성풍험
Distance to Default ; Government' s Implicit Guarantee ; Contingent Claims Analysis ; Systemic Risk
Systemic risk has been always the frontier project in academic research. Based on extended CCA method, this paper researches the systemic risk of Chinese banking system after the financial crisis. Combining the balance sheet and equity market data for the period between fourth quarter 2007 and third quarter 2012, it builds the daily systemic risk measures with forward-looking property, which include the volatility of implied asset, ADD, WDD, PDD and government's implicit guarantee. It analyses the dynamic revolution of systemic risk of large commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks and the banking system based on government's implicit guarantee and PDD-ADD which can captures the co- movement of the banks ' assets. It finds that the risk of banking system is significantly affected by the foreign and domestic economic conditions, the risk of joint-stock banks is smaller than the large banks, and the systemic risk is increasing in the third quarter 2012. The systemic risk measures from the extended CCA approach, which combines the market information and balance sheet information, are sensitive to market information and can dynamically capture the systemic risk of the banking system.