Acta Psychologica Sinica
农村留守儿童 同伴 亲子亲合 逆境信念 心理适应
農村留守兒童 同伴 親子親閤 逆境信唸 心理適應
농촌류수인동 동반 친자친합 역경신념 심리괄응
Left-behind children; peer; parental cohesion; Chinese cultural beliefs about adversity; psychological adjustment
以424名农村儿童为被试, 基于留守儿童和非留守儿童之间的比较, 在同伴关系的背景下探讨了亲子亲合与个体逆境信念对儿童攻击、学业违纪与孤独感的作用。结果表明:(1)同伴拒绝能显著增加儿童的攻击、学业违纪与孤独感, 同伴接纳则显著降低儿童的学业违纪与孤独感, 亲子亲合、积极的逆境信念能够显著降低儿童的孤独感; (2)亲子亲合对同伴拒绝与儿童攻击、学业违纪之间关系的调节效应在双亲外出儿童与非留守儿童群体中存在差异:高亲合条件下, 同伴拒绝与非留守儿童的攻击、学业违纪之间存在显著关联, 但是在双亲外出儿童中, 这些关联不再显著; (3)亲子亲合能够调节同伴接纳与儿童孤独感之间的关系:在低亲合条件下, 同伴接纳能够显著降低儿童的孤独感, 但是二者在高亲合条件下不再存在关联。结果提示, 农村留守儿童与父母间的紧密情感联结对于促进其心理适应具有保护作用, 同伴接纳对儿童的亲情缺失具有补偿作用。
以424名農村兒童為被試, 基于留守兒童和非留守兒童之間的比較, 在同伴關繫的揹景下探討瞭親子親閤與箇體逆境信唸對兒童攻擊、學業違紀與孤獨感的作用。結果錶明:(1)同伴拒絕能顯著增加兒童的攻擊、學業違紀與孤獨感, 同伴接納則顯著降低兒童的學業違紀與孤獨感, 親子親閤、積極的逆境信唸能夠顯著降低兒童的孤獨感; (2)親子親閤對同伴拒絕與兒童攻擊、學業違紀之間關繫的調節效應在雙親外齣兒童與非留守兒童群體中存在差異:高親閤條件下, 同伴拒絕與非留守兒童的攻擊、學業違紀之間存在顯著關聯, 但是在雙親外齣兒童中, 這些關聯不再顯著; (3)親子親閤能夠調節同伴接納與兒童孤獨感之間的關繫:在低親閤條件下, 同伴接納能夠顯著降低兒童的孤獨感, 但是二者在高親閤條件下不再存在關聯。結果提示, 農村留守兒童與父母間的緊密情感聯結對于促進其心理適應具有保護作用, 同伴接納對兒童的親情缺失具有補償作用。
이424명농촌인동위피시, 기우류수인동화비류수인동지간적비교, 재동반관계적배경하탐토료친자친합여개체역경신념대인동공격、학업위기여고독감적작용。결과표명:(1)동반거절능현저증가인동적공격、학업위기여고독감, 동반접납칙현저강저인동적학업위기여고독감, 친자친합、적겁적역경신념능구현저강저인동적고독감; (2)친자친합대동반거절여인동공격、학업위기지간관계적조절효응재쌍친외출인동여비류수인동군체중존재차이:고친합조건하, 동반거절여비류수인동적공격、학업위기지간존재현저관련, 단시재쌍친외출인동중, 저사관련불재현저; (3)친자친합능구조절동반접납여인동고독감지간적관계:재저친합조건하, 동반접납능구현저강저인동적고독감, 단시이자재고친합조건하불재존재관련。결과제시, 농촌류수인동여부모간적긴밀정감련결대우촉진기심리괄응구유보호작용, 동반접납대인동적친정결실구유보상작용。
The widening gap in societal and economic development between urban and rural communities and the relaxation of migration restrictions in China since the 1980s have led large numbers of rural laborers to leave their countryside homes in search of better job opportunities in urban areas. As a result of this wave of migration, millions of children were left behind by their migrant parent in rural communities, in the care of the nonmigrant parent, the children’s grandparents or other relatives, even some are left to care for themselves. Long-term and long-distance family separation and lack of face-to-face communications characterize the interactions between migrant parent(s) and their left-behind offspring, and this relative absence of parental affection puts left-behind children at a disadvantage compared with children from nonmigrant families. Although left-behind children were reported to have a higher probability of risk for maladjustment than their peers from nonmigrant families, literatures suggest that there are considerable variations in the adaptations of left-behind children; while some children are at a high risk for delays in adaptive functioning, some do not experience adaptive problems, and still some even show positive development. A key issue with important preventive and theoretical implications in the study of left-behind children involves the identification of potentially protective processes that support positive adaptation in children from migrant families. The present study was designed to examine the moderate effects of parental cohesion and children’s cultural beliefs about adversity on the relationship between peer rejection/acceptance and adaptive functioning by comparing left-behind children with children from nonmigrant families. A total of 424 rural children were recruited from a rural area in Henan province of China, including 76 children from two-parent-migrant families, 133 children from father-migrant families, and 215 children from nonmigrant families. Peer rejection and acceptance, children’s aggression and school disengagement were measured by peer rating. The participants also completed self-report measures of parental cohesion, Chinese cultural beliefs about adversity and loneliness. The results showed that peer rejection was positively associated with children’s aggression, loneliness and school disengagement, while peer acceptance was negatively associated with children’s loneliness and school disengagement. Father-child cohesion, mother-child cohesion and positive beliefs about adversity predicted lower levels of children’s loneliness. Moreover, father-child cohesion and mother-child cohesion respectively moderated the relationship between peer acceptance and children’s loneliness. Specifically, at lower levels of parental cohesion, peer acceptance was negatively associated with children’s loneliness, but such association was not significant at higher levels of parental cohesion. Additionally, the moderation effect of parental cohesion on the relationships between peer rejection and children’s aggression and between peer rejection and school disengagement varied according to the status of parental migration (two-parent migrant families and nonmigrant families). Compared with children from nonmigrant families, higher levels of father-child cohesion and mother-child cohesion better attenuated the relationship between peer rejection and the external problems among children from two-parent migrant families. These findings did not support the hypothesis that migrant parent serves as the by-stander in left-behind children’s development, and highlight the importance of parental cohesion and peer acceptance for the positive adaptations of left-behind children. The implications of these findings for interventions directed at left-behind children were also discussed.