Psychological Development and Education
错误记忆 情绪 DRM词表
錯誤記憶 情緒 DRM詞錶
착오기억 정서 DRM사표
false memory; emotion; DRM word lists
In previous studies, laboratory induced emotions were usually combined with classic DRM word lists to investigate the effect of emotion on false memory. The results of this paradigm support " emotional - information theory" which considers that negative emotion decreases the probability of false memory, while positive emotion increases the probability of false memory. In present study, we focus on the effect of different DRM word lists with emotional valence on false memory, and we hypothesize that the results of the latter paradigm might be different from that of the former paradigm. The present study was divided into two steps. In the first step, forty nine participants were randomly selected to evaluate each word in the DRM word lists on following dimensions: word familiarity, arousal degree, pleasant degree and BAS. The results showed that there was a significant difference on pleasant degree, while there were no differences on the other three dimensions. In the second step, we investigated the effect of the DRM word lists with emotional valence on false memory. Sixty participants (twenty nine males) are selected. The results showed that (1) error recognition rates of negative and neutral critical lures in the negative and neutral DRM word lists were significantly higher than that of positive critical lures in the positive DRM word lists ; (2) participants were inclined to make "know" judgment to negative and neutral critical lures and to make "remember" judgment to positive critical lures. The hypothesis was supported by the results, which was the DRM word lists with emotional valence themselves and the induced emotions have different effects on the false memory.