Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
经济学人 易读性 语言因素 非语言因素
經濟學人 易讀性 語言因素 非語言因素
경제학인 역독성 어언인소 비어언인소
The Economist; readability; language factors;non-language factors
为了证明全球影响力很大的英国本土报刊《经济学人》是否适合大学非英语专业的学生阅读,采用了分析论证的手段来说明其非语言层面的易读性,之后运用易读性测量软件Antword Profiler测量了其语言方面的易读性。结果表明:《经济学人》报刊能满足学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的阅读动机,只是生词比例较大,但通过替换部分生词并提供文章涉及的背景知识,可将其变为非英语专业学生易读的材料。
為瞭證明全毬影響力很大的英國本土報刊《經濟學人》是否適閤大學非英語專業的學生閱讀,採用瞭分析論證的手段來說明其非語言層麵的易讀性,之後運用易讀性測量軟件Antword Profiler測量瞭其語言方麵的易讀性。結果錶明:《經濟學人》報刊能滿足學生的閱讀興趣,提高學生的閱讀動機,隻是生詞比例較大,但通過替換部分生詞併提供文章涉及的揹景知識,可將其變為非英語專業學生易讀的材料。
위료증명전구영향력흔대적영국본토보간《경제학인》시부괄합대학비영어전업적학생열독,채용료분석론증적수단래설명기비어언층면적역독성,지후운용역독성측량연건Antword Profiler측량료기어언방면적역독성。결과표명:《경제학인》보간능만족학생적열독흥취,제고학생적열독동궤,지시생사비례교대,단통과체환부분생사병제공문장섭급적배경지식,가장기변위비영어전업학생역독적재료。
In order to prove whether The Economist-one of the most influential British-born magazine in the world-is readable to college non-English majors, its non-language factors such as readers' reading interest, reading motivation and background knowledge concerning the articles are analyzed. Besides, the software AntwordProfiler is used to measure its language difficulty. The result shows The Economist can satisfy college students' reading interest and enhance their reading mo- tivation. The only difficulty lies in high proportion of new words. However, The Economist is able to become readable materials for college non-English majors as long as some of the new words are replaced by familiar words and background knowledge related to the articles are provided.