Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Science Edition)
南宋文献 《钱塘遗事》 刘一清 《宋季三朝政要》
南宋文獻 《錢塘遺事》 劉一清 《宋季三朝政要》
남송문헌 《전당유사》 류일청 《송계삼조정요》
historical records of the late Southern Song dynasty; Heritage of the Qiantang;Liu Yiqing; Three Generations of Political Leaders of the Song Dynasty
To compensate the deficient research on Heritage of the Qiantang, this paper con- ducts a comprehensive and integrated study on that book including the life of the author, the val- ue of the book, compilation features, versions of the origins and etc. During the period between the late Song dynasty and the early Yuan dynasty, the trend of compiling history books and the booming publication industry helped the publication of Heritage of the Qiantang. Based on the fall of the Song dynasty, the compilers gathered a large number of historical materials of the Southern Song dynasty, mainly focusing on political history. Heritage of the Qiantang and Three Generations of Political Leaders of the Song Dynasty are complementary to each other and are both precious documents for the research of the history and culture of the late Song dy- nasty.