Academic Research
能量管理 实施策略 价值持久
能量管理 實施策略 價值持久
능량관리 실시책략 개치지구
energy ; management ; significance ; strategy
This article summarizes the theory of energy management as the new Human Resource Management model. The cur-rent HR management in higher education institutions adopts more time - management model from faculty in order to enhance the core competence of the university, which results in greater pressures of life on faculty due to the decrease of rest time, lower sleep quality, more diet disorders, lack of physical exercises, less positive emotions and lower salary and compensation availa- ble. The implementation of energy management in higher education institutions demands the adaptation of strategies such as the training of energy management among mid - and high - level school administrators, the establishment of specialized energy man- agement department, the use of rich training approaches and the increasing material and spiritual investment on faculty. The practice of energy management is of significance on advocating the health management of faculty, and strengthening the health development of faculty. It is beneficial to fostering positive attitudes, and eliminating the burnout. It is also beneficial to clarif- ying the investment model of faculties' mental, and reducing the probability of making mistakes at work. Meanwhile, it is condu- cive to forming the correct value system and stimulating the mental potential of faculty.