Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice
碳排放 发电侧市场 竞价机制 多属性拍卖
碳排放 髮電側市場 競價機製 多屬性拍賣
탄배방 발전측시장 경개궤제 다속성박매
carbon emission; electricity market; pricing mechanism; multi-attribute auction
Since the generation of electric power contributes a large percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in China, CO2 reduction in the electricity power industry is the most effective way to develop low-carbon economy. In the paper, the multi-attribute procurement auction theory is introduced into the electric power generation market. The CO2 emissions from electric power generation and the grid tariff are identified as key attributes for selecting winners. Based on these two attributes, an optimal multi- attribute procurement mechanism considering CO2 emissions in electric power generation market is firstly established. Then, the incentive compatible mechanism analysis and a reasonable procurement auction process are provided. Finally, a case study is conducted to illustrate such procurement auction process motivates the electric power generators to implement the economic behavior and CO2 emission reduction behavior. Therefore, the proposed multi-attribute procurement mechanism is of great significance in the market-oriented reformation of electric industry and the development of low-carbon economy in China.