Jiangsu Social Sciences
越南 权力监督 路径依赖 正式规则 非正式规则
越南 權力鑑督 路徑依賴 正式規則 非正式規則
월남 권력감독 로경의뢰 정식규칙 비정식규칙
Vietnam; power supervision; path dependence; formal rules; informal rules; special interest groups
Power supervision reform is a strict institutional change and reconstruction process. From the perspective of path dependence, Vietnam's power supervision reform mainly due to the continuity of formal rules, progressive, endogenous effects of informal rules and special interest group to maintain the original system impetus. Among them, the constitutional government system, governance mode, mixed culture, reli- gion, lays the foundation for multiple power supervision, and the lack of top-level design and ideological struggle create uncertainty; Overall perspective, the economic system transformation and adjustment of power structure, together build stability of the power supervision reform in Vietnam, the inefficiency of the legal regulation, power worship and the obey political culture, the existence of power bonus are important reasons of the gradual reform; The cognition and risk cost of Special interest groups on power supervision make within supervision impossible. The external drive of the ruling party is the key to the success of the reform. For our country, we should not blindly worship power supervision reform in Vietnam, learn from each other, harmony but not sameness, is should be a rational approach.