Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
负面新闻报道 适度原则 正向效果 过度渲染 人文关怀
負麵新聞報道 適度原則 正嚮效果 過度渲染 人文關懷
부면신문보도 괄도원칙 정향효과 과도선염 인문관부
negative news report; moderate principle; positive effect; excessive rendering; humanistic care
The spread of negative news can also be interpreted as negative news reports in the narrow sense. In general, the purpose of negative news report is to realize the positive effect of negative news information communica- tion. But due to improper control and expression, its effect oRen goes contrary to our wishes. In negative news re- port, sticking to moderate principle can help avoid the negative influence of negative news information and maximize the positive value of negative news coverage. Speaking from the macro, the moderate principle of negative news re- ports is considering the overall situation, insisting on the principle of party spirit and people's interest. In terms of specific requirements, moderate principle of negative news reports requires that newsreporters ensure the authenticity of news, take appropriate emotional stance, make the right judgement on value and control the numter of reports to keep balance.