Psychological Science
王晓庄 白学军 闫国利 刘志方
王曉莊 白學軍 閆國利 劉誌方
왕효장 백학군 염국리 류지방
外部锚问题 双向信息 锚值 眼动特征
外部錨問題 雙嚮信息 錨值 眼動特徵
외부묘문제 쌍향신식 묘치 안동특정
external anchor, dual information, anchor value, eye movement
The Anchoring effect refers to the phenomena of estimation bias that the judgment and decision making result or target value approached excessively the initial information or value. The present study examined how anchor value would affect decision making process in external anchor decision making tasks with eye tracking. A simple random design was used in the experiment with material of general knowledge backed by positive and negative information. The independent variable was anchor value with high and low levels. Dependent variables were judgment ratio of anchor value comparing questions, index of anchoring effect ( IA ) , frequencies of choices and eye movement index (IA FSA count and IA FSA duration). Participants were 64 students, with 31 males and 33 females. Subject's task was making judgments and estimating the target value after reading the background information. The present study developed a two - step paradigm; the multiple choice question followed the classical two - step task. The background information and the decision mak- ing tasks were presented in a four - step format. The dual background information was presented in the first step, the anchor value com- paring question was presented in the second step, the estimating question was presented in the third step, and the multiple choice ques- tion was presented in the fourth step. The statistics indicated that IA was above. 76, there was a high level anchoring effect in the two anchor groups. IA FSA count and IA FSA duration measures indicated : ( 1 ) At the stage of answering anchor comparing questions, IA FSA counts from " anchor value IA" to "negative information IA" were more than the counts to "positive information IA", and IA FSA duration from "anchor value IA" to "negative information IA" was longer than the duration to "positive information IA". (2) At the stage of answering target value esti- mate questions, IA FSA counts from "estimate question IA" to "anchor value IA" were more than the counts to "positive and negative information IA", and IA FSA duration from "estimate question IA" to "anchor value IA" was longer than the duration to "positive and negative information IA". The results suggested that external anchor question of dual background information aroused ahigh level anchoring effect. Partici- pants paid more attention to the negative information. The anchoring effect was generated by the primary processing of the anchor value. The results supported the selective -accessibility mechanism and the negativity bias model in information processing.