Modern Educational Technology
高义栋 李曼曼 雍炎炎 贺亚杰
高義棟 李曼曼 雍炎炎 賀亞傑
고의동 리만만 옹염염 하아걸
虚拟现实 图书馆 漫游系统 UDK
虛擬現實 圖書館 漫遊繫統 UDK
허의현실 도서관 만유계통 UDK
virtual reality; library; roaming system; design and implementation; UDK
在信息数字化、可视化、虚拟化的演变进程中,虚拟现实技术为数字图书馆的发展和演变开阔了全新的视野.文章分析了虚拟现实技术在图书馆应用的国内外现状,界定了虚拟现实图书馆的概念并阐述了其特点与优势.在此基础上,以图书馆虚拟漫游系统为例,介绍了使用UDK(Unreal Development Kit)引擎和3ds max开发虚拟图书馆漫游系统的过程和技术问题,提出了一套开发高真实、高交互的3D虚拟图书馆漫游系统的可行方案.
在信息數字化、可視化、虛擬化的縯變進程中,虛擬現實技術為數字圖書館的髮展和縯變開闊瞭全新的視野.文章分析瞭虛擬現實技術在圖書館應用的國內外現狀,界定瞭虛擬現實圖書館的概唸併闡述瞭其特點與優勢.在此基礎上,以圖書館虛擬漫遊繫統為例,介紹瞭使用UDK(Unreal Development Kit)引擎和3ds max開髮虛擬圖書館漫遊繫統的過程和技術問題,提齣瞭一套開髮高真實、高交互的3D虛擬圖書館漫遊繫統的可行方案.
재신식수자화、가시화、허의화적연변진정중,허의현실기술위수자도서관적발전화연변개활료전신적시야.문장분석료허의현실기술재도서관응용적국내외현상,계정료허의현실도서관적개념병천술료기특점여우세.재차기출상,이도서관허의만유계통위례,개소료사용UDK(Unreal Development Kit)인경화3ds max개발허의도서관만유계통적과정화기술문제,제출료일투개발고진실、고교호적3D허의도서관만유계통적가행방안.
With the process of the digital and virtual information evolution, the virtual reality technology open a new field of vision for the development and evolution of digital library. This paper analyzes the present situation at home and abroad for the application of virtual reality technology in the library, defines the concept of virtual reality library and expounds its characteristics and advantages. Besides, to the library as an example, introduces the use of the UDK ( Unreal Development Kit ) and 3ds Max and the process and technology of virtual roaming system library development, and puts up a set of feasible solutions of developing a high real and interactive 3D virtual library roaming system.