Journal of Central South Huiversity: Social Science
和 禾 夥
和 禾 夥
화 화 과
harmony(禾); praying for harvest( ); grain(禾); Huo(夥)
从语源学、音韵学、文化学的角度推本穷源,“和”文明的起源应始于古人见到众多可以饱腹的禾谷而惊叹的“夥”;久而久之,定名为“禾”;因为“求禾”而有“ ”;禾谷丰收,人们会认为是求禾行为得到了上天的回应,因而产生了“应和”义的“和”;又因“禾以其调和人之性命”,“其米多而沃,食之者强”,从而抽象出“调和”义的“龢”。金文“龢”的“由乐声之谐和始能引出调义,由乐声之共鸣始能引伸出相鹰义”,则由甲骨文“求禾”的物质层面提升到了精神层面,产生了质的飞跃。
從語源學、音韻學、文化學的角度推本窮源,“和”文明的起源應始于古人見到衆多可以飽腹的禾穀而驚歎的“夥”;久而久之,定名為“禾”;因為“求禾”而有“ ”;禾穀豐收,人們會認為是求禾行為得到瞭上天的迴應,因而產生瞭“應和”義的“和”;又因“禾以其調和人之性命”,“其米多而沃,食之者彊”,從而抽象齣“調和”義的“龢”。金文“龢”的“由樂聲之諧和始能引齣調義,由樂聲之共鳴始能引伸齣相鷹義”,則由甲骨文“求禾”的物質層麵提升到瞭精神層麵,產生瞭質的飛躍。
종어원학、음운학、문화학적각도추본궁원,“화”문명적기원응시우고인견도음다가이포복적화곡이량우적“과”;구이구지,정명위“화”;인위“구화”이유“ ”;화곡봉수,인문회인위시구화행위득도료상천적회응,인이산생료“응화”의적“화”;우인“화이기조화인지성명”,“기미다이옥,식지자강”,종이추상출“조화”의적“화”。금문“화”적“유악성지해화시능인출조의,유악성지공명시능인신출상응의”,칙유갑골문“구화”적물질층면제승도료정신층면,산생료질적비약。
To infer from the angles of etymology, phonology and cultural science, when the ancient people saw the great amount of grains, they might marvel at them: "Huo(夥)!"In the course of time, it was named He(禾). From praying for He(禾) to the character " ", people thought God that answered their prayers when there was a harvest, thus the word harmony(禾) came into being. Also because grain(K) was what people lived on and abundant harvest would make them strong, then they got "龢" which means harmonizing on ancient bronze objects. "龢" is the original complete form of the simplified Chinese character 禾 which means harmony of music. In this way the word goes further from the physical level to the spiritual level and has a qualitative leap.