Advances In Psychological Science
谢文澜 汪祚军 王霏 张林
謝文瀾 汪祚軍 王霏 張林
사문란 왕조군 왕비 장림
合作 进化 亲缘选择 互惠 劣势
閤作 進化 親緣選擇 互惠 劣勢
합작 진화 친연선택 호혜 열세
Cooperation; evolution; kin selection; reciprocity; disadvantage
Cooperation means that selfish individuals help one another at the cost of some of their own reproductive potential. However, cooperation has been observed in several levels of biological organization and among animals and humans. From the point of view of evolutionary psychology, a series of theories was proposed to account for the evolution of cooperation, such as kin selection, direct benefits, reciprocation, and culture adaption. To avoid free riding or defection, some systems, such as communication channels and social sanctioning, need to be set. Furthermore, strong group identification could promote cooperation, while dominance hierarchy formed in selection had complex effects on cooperation. Future research could further investigate the effects of social status of an individual within a group, social interaction of individuals within a group or between groups, or changing social norms on the evolution of cooperation.