Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University Social Science Edition
高校校园网 不良信息 源头控制 把关模式
高校校園網 不良信息 源頭控製 把關模式
고교교완망 불량신식 원두공제 파관모식
campus network of higher learning;bad information;source control;check mode
当前已有不少学者从各个视角研究了高校校园网不良信息问题,主要集中在存在状态、重大危害和控制机制等方面,没有对源头不良信息控制问题作系统的探讨。基于此,本文援引传播学的“把关”理论,尝试建立控制高校校园网不良信息源头的“自律式把关”和 “他律式把关”模式,并提出各种相关举措,为防控高校校园网不良信息传播建言献策。
噹前已有不少學者從各箇視角研究瞭高校校園網不良信息問題,主要集中在存在狀態、重大危害和控製機製等方麵,沒有對源頭不良信息控製問題作繫統的探討。基于此,本文援引傳播學的“把關”理論,嘗試建立控製高校校園網不良信息源頭的“自律式把關”和 “他律式把關”模式,併提齣各種相關舉措,為防控高校校園網不良信息傳播建言獻策。
당전이유불소학자종각개시각연구료고교교완망불량신식문제,주요집중재존재상태、중대위해화공제궤제등방면,몰유대원두불량신식공제문제작계통적탐토。기우차,본문원인전파학적“파관”이론,상시건립공제고교교완망불량신식원두적“자률식파관”화 “타률식파관”모식,병제출각충상관거조,위방공고교교완망불량신식전파건언헌책。
Many scholars have studied the existed situation, the major hazards, the control mechanisms and other aspects of campus network’s bad information from various perspectives, and have drawn a lot of theoretical or practical conclusions. But previous studies did not research more of its source. So, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the source of campus network’s harmful information by introducing the “Communication” concept, to construct a controlled source of bad information with “Self check”“Heteronomous check” mode by citing the classic “Gatekeeper” theory of “Communication”, and to try to present some relevant suggestions for taking the bad information of campus network under control and building a healthy network culture in colleges and universities.